Surgical Drop-Off

Surgical Drop-Off Form

Thank you for choosing Pressly Animal Hospital for your pet’s needs. Please fill out our surgical drop-off form in its entirety to ensure we can provide you and your pet with the best possible care. Please Note: Any fields with * are required.

Alternatively, you may click the following button to complete this form offline and bring it to us in person:

Important Surgical Information

Pre-Surgical Medical Information

*Please remove food and water at bedtime the night before scheduled procedure.

*Do not offer any food or water the morning of the procedure, unless directed by Veterinary Team.

*Only give medications as directed by Veterinary Team.


Not all dental problems can be diagnosed during the pre-surgical exam and while the pet is awake. Often times the pet must already be sedated or under anesthesia before the mouth can be fully examined. Therefore, it may not be known ahead of time that your pet would require any additional dental services while under our care.

In an effort to not keep your pet sedated or under general anesthesia longer than necessary, it is imperative that you are able to be easily contacted to discuss your pet's dental needs while they are here with us.

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Consent and Release

I understand:

Clear Signature
Signature here.