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Your Pet Should Be Doing These Daily Exercises to Stay Healthy
How Much Daily Exercise Does My Pet Need? While all pets need exercise every day, the amount each cat or dog requires varies. Follow the guidelines below to create a general exercise plan, and take into account your pet’s age, breed, and health for a personalized...
How to Have Fun with Your Pet This Winter Indoors
Indoor Enrichment for Pets: How to Have Fun with Your Pet This Winter When the weather outside becomes too cold and snowy, it can be tough to find ways to entertain your pet indoors. Spice up their exercise routine with the following fun interactive games and toys to...
Ways To Deal With Changing Behavior in Your Senior Pet
Aging Changes: Common Behavior Problems in Senior Pets Advancing age seems to bring with it a number of health issues for pets, including behavior problems. As your furry pal grows older, keep an eye out for common behavior issues that may pop up so you can get help...
What Should and Should Not Be on Your Pet’s Thanksgiving Plate
How to Prepare a Pet-Safe Thanksgiving Feast An overloaded table filled with your favorite dishes is one of Thanksgiving’s highlights. While you are drooling over a heaping plate, so is your pet. However, many popular Thanksgiving foods are dangerous for pets. Let...
4 Tips To Help Your Senior Pet With Seasonal Changes
How to Help Your Senior Pet Handle the Changing Seasons The changing seasons affect everyone differently, but the switch from balmy summer weather to frigid temperatures can really do a number on your senior pet. Here are four ways to help your furry pal easily handle...
5 Tips to Ensure Your Senior Pet Stays Mobile
5 Ways to Help Your Senior Pet Remain Mobile As your pet ages, they likely will experience stiff, achy joints caused by osteoarthritis. Fortunately, you have many options to help keep your senior pet active and mobile throughout their golden years. Give the following...
Follow These Tips to Prevent Pet Obesity
How to Evaluate Your Pet’s Body Condition Score National Pet Obesity Awareness Day falls on October 12, but you should pay attention to your pet’s weight all year long. More than half of the nation’s cats and dogs are considered overweight or obese, which can lead to...
3 Back-to-School Transition Tips for Your Pet
Back-to-School Time for Pets: 3 Transition Tips Making the switch from summer to school can be rough for all family members, four-legged ones included. To help make the back-to-school transition easier—for your pet, at least—give the following tips a try. #1:...
How We Keep Your Pet Safe Under Anesthesia
3 Ways Your Pet Is Kept Safe Under Anesthesia Your pet’s safety is our number one priority, particularly when they undergo anesthesia and surgical procedures. We understand you also are concerned about your pet’s health and safety while under anesthesia, and we want...
How Pet Microchips Work
If you've been on the fence about having your pet microchipped, it might help ease your mind to understand how microchips work. While they do not provide GPS tracking capabilities, they do offer a permanent means of identification for your furry pal. Read on to learn...